A tiny step closer to happiness

If you want to achieve anything in life you have to start somewhere.In this case the first step is asking yourself if you are happy and if the answer is ”no” the following question is ”why?”.Whatever the reason is people tend to give more attention to the negative things and that is the problem. Think about the things you already have. If you have friends and family who love you, you have tо be the happiest person on the planet. One of the biggest problems is that is often taken for granted. We focus on the negative things and forget about the positive ones. It needs to be the opposite.The more positive thinking you do the more positive life you will have.Words have a powerful energy, but you can’t feel it every time, but instead of thinking how awful is everything look at the bright side.

The next step is removing negative people from your life. A lot of people are influenced by others and take their energy.Usually negative people give their energy to positive people and there is always someone who is never okay. It is hard to remove every single negative person because they are too many. It is important to learn how to not let them get to you. You build a wall and nothing negative can go trough. One of the most important things is that you and your feelings have to be your own priority. You need to know who you are and not let small things break you.

This is really just a tiny step to being happy, but it is important and if you want to go somewhere you always have to start at some point.

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